Know your children and other family members are taken care of after you are gone

Get the Legal Support You Need

There are times when our loved ones become unable to take care of themselves. During that time is when a guardianship would be initiated. This gives someone the legal right to make decisions on behalf of what is best for the person.

Once a guardianship has been recognized by a court, the capability to make both financial and personal decisions falls only into the hands of the designated guardian. There are many types of guardianships, and you should become familiar before filing for one.

The Help You Need

A guardianship can only be granted over someone when that person has been considered "incapacitated". Usually, that means they will be seriously at risk if their personal or financial lives aren't handled by another individual. Contact me today and let me provide the guidance you need to get through this process.

Whether you need to create or terminate a guardianship, or information about step-parent adoptions, I can help! Call me today!